Using Pinterest in your marketing mix


Pinterest is one of the newer social media platforms. Its whole premise is based around ‘pinning’ imagery of interest.

You must bear in mind that from a targeting perspective, the demographics of the users are quite striking. Around 80% of all Pinterest users are women between 25-55.

How Pinterest works

Each pinned item links to the original source image from a website. It’s a lot more visual than a Twitter presence and can draw in creative types. Pinterest is also producing more referral traffic than any other social media site (apart from Facebook).

If you use Google Analytics, this will help show what content is linking Internet users to your website.

To succeed, certain steps should really be taken.

  1. Only choose Pinterest if its type of users match your target market. It’s only a useful tool for certain industries, mainly those with a link to creativity.
  2. Your Pinterest page shouldn’t appear to be a blatant advert for your company. Internet users are savvy with regards to corporations trying to force feed them content. A personal account should be made as a result of this, with interesting content. It will therefore encourage people to naturally follow the account. Generally, company accounts don’t draw in many followers, unless they are one of the truly bigger brands. (Coca Cola, Nike Etc.)
  3. Users will generally follow back, so any pages that you find interesting should be followed by you.

Whilst you can automate posts for Pinterest (similarly to other social media) it is worth spending a bit of time on there to achieve better engagement.

We can be found on Pinterest here.

Author Oliver Adams


Graphic design Northampton - Web design Northampton - Marketing Northampton

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